letting go of arguments

Why you should let go of arguments

The well known subject of arguments, whether it’s at work or home. Sometimes it’s best if you just let go, I cant tell you how many times I found myself just saying never mind or dropping it all together.

Lately, I find myself arguing with my oldest (step) child which is 11. She recently found herself trying to talk about politics and how there are genders beyond the basic two. Thanks to the internet, children are believing all sorts of things and arguing everything.

Another one that seems to be common in the household is, financial matters. I guess everyone has financial problems, but let me tell you after four years of a relationship with a veteran and twice divorced our age difference has me at a disadvantage, and we always seem to be having financial problems.

Recently, we moved and it happened to be about when we received our tax return so yes, moving was doable but not pleasant. We meant to get caught up on all our debts and that didn’t happen. So with a slightly cheaper rental, living in a duplex where you can hear your neighbors on top of crappy paychecks and unexpected bills you find yourself anxious, as well as frustrated.

The sad part is, the majority of our arguments revolve around where money is going and why things aren’t getting paid when neither of us do anything besides work, eat and sleep.

With all of that being said, back to the original subject: arguments, letting go of them.

Constant stress and anxiety will have almost anyone be argumentative, and after a while you just grow exhausted not to mention sometimes you end up saying something you don’t mean and it could rip apart the relationship.

So, moral of the story… Don’t let an argument continue on and on. If the subject becomes too tense or irritating, drop it and move forward or even come up with an agreement.

Even with children, it may be tempting to get in that last thought with the best of intentions. Sometimes the other person just needs to learn either the hard way or on their own.

To be honest letting go probably saved my relationship.

Have a time when you realized it was best to just let go?

Let me know in the comments.


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