mom matters

Why Mom Matters

Before even becoming a mom,  I was one in a way to my siblings. Caring for others had always come naturally to me. There were days I felt like it was my duty to take care of what mom couldn’t or just what needed to be done. Other days it was second nature, like getting up with my younger sister when she was a newborn.

One thing I’ve noticed mom’s NEED support, emotional support. No matter the age or experience, Everyone needs a little help sometimes. This concept became more and more apparent to me as years rolled by. Whether you’re a single mom or not, we need a little help.

Needing help doesn’t always mean taking care of the chores, or lightening work load. Sometimes, it’s the mind that needs the most.

It has almost never been recognized, the emotional support that is needed. I would like to say as someone with traumas and health conditions that medications are not always the answer. I feel like the majority of the time it’s a way for the major companies to make their money and only “deal” with someone for a few minutes so they can meet a quota or something.

Moms matter, and we need more than a magic pill, we need someone to be able to speak freely to and it be longterm. Big prescription companies and their solutions for those with mental conditions to just find a magical pill. This goes for our children, our veterans, moms with post-partum depression and our children with traumas. Why is it so difficult and expensive for those who want and need help to get the help they really need? 11988550_875392042553968_2045979837112489178_n

Some of the impacts from these prescriptions have caused issues where the mother can no longer breastfeed, which is a huge issue for the ones who desire to. Too many times I have seen moms falling apart when they didn’t have the support they needed. ( not saying all are like this, there are some cases where parents choose a different path and refuse help).



All in all, my plan is to help create a community to help provide emotional support, tips and help for moms out there seeking an ear or somewhere to help them know they are not alone. 

There are many resources I have found in the mom community, and having them readily accessible in one place would be fantastic.

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton


In a world full of statistics, and unwritten rules there are people who wish to live simpler without the insanity of minds of all types putting others down for not doing things a certain way or practicing a certain religion. Lets make a place thats a religion and judgement-free zone(within reason, intentional abuse, drug abuse or anyother intentional act that negatively affects children will not be tolerated. )

After walking the path to sobriety, this website remains dedicated to those seeking true help and change, because sometimes that extra helping hand may just be the push that someone needs. I just do not want to encourage intentional practices that are harmful and have no intention of changing.

My life revolves around my children and walking them through the path of success while putting their fears and negative times behind them for a brighter future.

Back to the subject at hand, I do want to hear from everyone and provide a community full of support. This blog will remain open minded within reason as a good place for good vibes and emotional support to those who need it. 

In the near future, resources and lists will be provided for places and/or sites or groups that also help. 12219437_901157153310790_277716336301970022_n


Until next time,


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